

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

昨天,牛津词典公布了2019年度词汇:Climate Emergency(气候紧急状态)。有小伙伴留言想问看其它词典的年度词汇,这会儿来了,剑桥词典(Cambridge Dictionary)2019年度词汇:upcycling.

剑桥词典在线中对upcycling一词给出的解释为「改造;改用」,英文释义:The activity of making new furniture, objects, etc. out of old or used things or waste material.

Through her lighting business she shares her love of upcycling and sustainable design.



'Upcycling' crowned Cambridge Dictionary's Word of the Year 2019

Cambridge Dictionary has named 'upcycling', the activity of making new items out of old or used things, as its Word of the Year 2019.

Upcycling was chosen as the ‘Word of the Day’ which resonated most strongly with followers on the Dictionary’s Instagram account, @CambridgeWords. The noun – defined as the activity of making new furniture, objects, etc. out of old or used things or waste material – received more likes than any other ‘Word of the Day’ when shared on 4 July 2019.


此处几个动词(被)表彰,提名,都是用来upcycling这个词被选为年度词汇这一动作;昨天的牛津词典公布climate emergency也是用的name一词(Oxford Dictionaries has named “climate emergency” as its 2019 Word of the Year, choosing it from an all-environmental shortlist that also included “climate action,” “climate denial,” “eco-anxiety,” “extinction” and “flight shame.”)

crown作名词时,本身表示王冠;皇冠;冕;冠军宝座;桂冠,英文解释为“an object in the shape of a circle, usually made of gold and precious stones , that a king or queen wears on his or her head on official occasions;the position of winning a sports competition”。

The number of times upcycling has been looked up on the Cambridge Dictionary website has risen by 181% since December of 2011, when it was first added to the online dictionary, and searches have doubled in the last year alone.

"We think it's the positive idea behind upcycling that appeals more than the word itself," said Wendalyn Nichols, Publishing Manager of the Cambridge Dictionary. "Stopping the progression of climate change, let alone reversing it, can seem impossible at times. Upcycling is a concrete action a single human being can take to make a difference.


表示“(进入另一阶段的)发展;前进;进程”,英文解释为“the process of developing gradually from one stage or state to another”,如:opportunities for career progression 事业发展的机遇,the rapid progression of the disease 病情的迅速发展。


progress的英文解释:the process of improving or developing, or of getting nearer to achieving or completing sth 进步;进展;进程。


表示“确定的,确实的;具体的,有形的,实在的”,英文解释为“clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt”举个🌰:

They think she killed her husband, but they have no concrete evidence.


"Lookups of upcycling reflect the momentum around individual actions to combat climate change — the youth activism sparked by Greta Thunberg; the growing trends of vegan, flexitarian and plant-based diets; reading and following the handbook There is No Planet B; or fashion designers upcycling clothes to create their latest collections." 


vegan /ˈviːɡən/ 表示“严格素食主义者(不食用或不使用任何动物产品)”,英文解释为“a person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather”举个🌰:

Vegans get all the protein they need from nuts, seeds, and cereals.



表示“弹性素食者”,英文解释为“a person who eats a predominantly vegetarian diet, but who eats meat or fish occasionally”。

Other words on the shortlist for Word of the Year 2019 reflect the same concern with the effects of climate change, for instance:

· carbon sink noun 

An area of forest that is large enough to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the earth's atmosphere and therefore to reduce the effect of global warming 碳汇,碳库(可通过吸收地球大气中的二氧化碳减缓全球变暖的大片森林)

· compostable adjective 

Something that is compostable can be used as compost when it decays 可用作堆肥(混合肥料)的,如:compostable garden waste 可用作堆肥的花园垃圾。

· preservation noun 

The act of keeping something the same or of preventing it from being damaged 保护,维护;保藏,保养,如:building preservation 建筑物维护,wood preservation 木材防腐。

The Cambridge Dictionary editors use data from the website, blogs, and social media to identify and prioritise new additions to the Dictionary. They identified upcycling as a word to include after noticing a spike in searches for the word in 2010.

A recent addition is the noun plastic footprint, defined as a measurement of the amount of plastic that someone uses and then discards, considered in terms of the resulting damage caused to the environment. This word, first identified by traditional citation gathering, received 1,048 votes in the New Words blog poll, with 61% of readers opting for the phrase to be added to Cambridge Dictionary.

Cambridge University Press has been publishing dictionaries for learners of English since 1995. Cambridge Dictionary began offering these dictionaries completely free of charge online in 1999. Celebrating its 20th birthday this year, Cambridge Dictionary is the top learner dictionary website on the planet, currently serving 394 million unique visitors a year.

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